
Class DatonaError

Root class for all errors thrown by Datona software. Extends Error.


  • name (String) - the name of the error. Same as the class name.
  • message (String) - single line error message suitable for display to the end user
  • details (String) - (Optional) detailed error message unsuitable for display to the end user


Creates a new RemoteVault instance with a network client suitable for the given url scheme.

new DatonaError(message, details);


  1. message (String) - single line error message suitable for display to the end user
  2. details (String) - (Optional) detailed error message unsuitable for display to the end user


const url = { scheme: "file", host: "", port: "8643" };
const myContractAddress = "0x008Cd346b65F5aFa306Ef9160a84455D308e6851";
const remoteAddress = "0x41A60F71063CD7c9e5247d3E7d551f91f94b5C3b";
const remoteVault = new RemoteVault(url, myContractAddress, myKey, remoteAddress);


Converts this error into a JSON formatted string, excluding the stacktrace.



String - A JSON formatted string representation of this error with name, message and details.


Converts this error into a simple struct with just name, message and details, excluding the stacktrace.



{ name: String, message: String, details: String }


Converts this error into a single line string suitable for logging, excluding the stacktrace. If the error details property is longer than 96 chars then it will be truncated.



String - String version of this object

Classes of DatonaError

All error classes listed below are derived from DatonaError and have the same constructor parameters. Each class may have its own subclass allowing catch blocks to switch based on error class.

Internal Errors

InternalError Class of exception for defensive programming checks. These errors are not expected to be raised and indicate a low-level software problem that needs raising with the software developer.

Developer Errors

DeveloperError. Class of exception for software usage errors. These errors indicate a problem with how the developer is interfacing with or using this software.


ArgumentError The caller of this method passed an invalid or missing argument

TypeError The caller of this method passed an argument with an invalid type

InvalidHashError The caller of this method passed an invalid hash

Cryptographic Errors

CryptographicError Class of cryptographic errors


InvalidSignatureError The caller of this method passed an invalid hash

HashingError The data could not be hashed

Blockchain Errors

BlockchainError Class of errors related to blockchain access and contract management


ContractOwnerError This request must be made by the contract owner

ContractTypeError Indicates the contract class is invalid

ContractExpiryError This request must be made by the contract owner

PermissionError Indicates the signatory does not have permission to perform this action

Transaction Errors

TransactionError Class of errors related to a communications transaction


InvalidTransactionError Indicates the transaction type is invalid

MalformedTransactionError Indicates the transaction has an invalid form

RequestError Indicates the transaction contains an invalid request

CommunicationError Class of errors related to a communications transaction

Vault Errors

VaultError Class of errors related to vault management and guardianship


FileSystemError Error resulting from filesystem access