
The datona-comms component implements the Datona application layer protocol, providing classes and functions to facilitate communication between two datona enabled software applications.

Class SmartDataAccessRequest

Encapsulates a Smart Data Access request from a Requester to an Owner. This class validates the request and allows the user to accept or reject the request. If accept or reject is called, this class connects to the Requester’s remote server to send the response.


  • data (Object) - the transaction data object decoded from the signed transaction given to the constructor
  • remoteAddress (Address) - the public blockchain address of the remote server, as decoded from the signed transaction given to the constructor


Decodes and validates a raw request transaction from a requester, creating a new SmartDataAccessRequest instance.

new SmartDataAccessRequest(signedTxnStr, localPrivateKey);


  1. signedTxnStr (String) - The raw, signed request from the Requester
  2. localPrivateKey (Key) - The Key object used to sign any transaction responses


  • TransactionError - if the general transaction structure or signature is invalid
  • RequestError - if the transaction is not a SmartDataAccessRequestPacket type or does not have the necessary request data


const request = new SmartDataAccessRequest(rawTxn, myKey);


Sends a SmartDataAccessResponse to the requester, giving the blockchain address of the SDAC and the URL of the vault that contains the data. Before responding to the requester it is expected that the contract is already deployed on the blockchain and a vault has already been created with the shared data.

accept(contractAddress, vaultUrl);


  1. contractAddress (Address) - The blockchain address of the deployed SDAC
  2. vaultUrl (URL) - The URL of the vault holding the data


Promise - a promise to return the remote server response.

Resolves With

{ txn: Object, signatory: Address } - the server response transaction and signatory’s address, validated to confirm it was sent by the requester (i.e. the same signatory as the original request).

Rejects With
  • CommunicationError - if communication with the requester’s server failed
  • TransactionError - if the structure of the server response was invalid or was not signed by the requester.
  • InvalidTransactionError - if the server response is not a valid GeneralServerResponse.


const request = new SmartDataAccessRequest(rawTxn, myKey);
const vaultUrl = { scheme: "file", host: "datonavault.com", port: "8643" };

// Read contract bytecode and ABI from file system and create a Contract object
const contractSourceCode = require("./contracts/" + request.contract.hash);
const contract = new datona.blockchain.Contract(contractSourceCode.abi);

// Function to create a new vault and store the data.  Returns a Promise.
function createAndDeployVault(){
  const vault = new datona.vault.RemoteVault( vaultUrl, contract.address, myPrivateKey );
  return vault.create("Hello World!");

// Function to send the contract address and vault URL to the requester.  Returns a Promise.
function informRequester(){
  return request.accept(contract.address, vaultUrl);

return contract.deploy(contractSourceCode.bytecode, request.signatory)
  .then( createAndDeployVault })
  .then( informRequester )
  .then( console.log )
  .catch( console.error );


Sends a SmartDataAccessResponse to the requester rejecting the request. This is not strictly necessary since the requester cannot rely on receiving a response. However, it is polite!



  1. reason (String) - (Optional) the reason for rejecting the request


Promise - a promise to return the remote server response.

Resolves With

{ txn: Object, signatory: Address } - the server response transaction and signatory’s address, validated to confirm it was sent by the requester (i.e. the same signatory as the original request).

Rejects With
  • CommunicationError - if communication with the requester’s server failed
  • TransactionError - if the structure of the server response was invalid or was not signed by the requester.
  • InvalidTransactionError - if the server response is not a valid GeneralServerResponse.


const request = new SmartDataAccessRequest(rawTxn, myKey);
request.reject("you are sharing my data with mail spammers")

Class DatonaConnector

Enables communications with a remote server, abstracting away the underlying network protocols. Supported protocols are: file (plain tcp connection), ws (websocket) and http. Encrypted protocols, such as https and wss, will be supported in the future.

Designed to be used as a superclass, this class is extended by the SmartDataAccessRequest and Class VaultFilename classes.


  • remoteAddress (Address) - the public blockchain address of the remote server, as given to the constructor


Creates a new DatonaConnector instance with a network client suitable for the given url scheme.

new DatonaConnector(url, localPrivateKey, remoteAddress);


  1. url (URL) - the URL object identifying the server, port and URI scheme
  2. localPrivateKey (Key) - The Key object used to sign any transactions
  3. remoteAddress - the public blockchain address of the remote application. Used for verifying received responses.


  • RequestError - if the url scheme is unsupported


const url = { scheme: "file", host: "datonavault.com", port: "8643" };
const remoteAddress = "0x41A60F71063CD7c9e5247d3E7d551f91f94b5C3b";
const remoteServer = new DatonaConnector( url, myKey, remoteAddress);


Serialises the given object, signs it and returns a promise to send it to the requester.



  1. txn (Object) - the transaction to sign and send


Promise - a promise to return the remote server response.

Resolves With

{ txn: Object, signatory: Address } - the server response transaction and signatory’s address, validated to confirm it was sent by the remoteAddress given in the constructor.

Rejects With
  • CommunicationError - if communication with the requester’s server failed
  • TransactionError - if the structure of the server response was invalid or was not signed by the requester.


const txn = { txnType: "VaultRequest", requestType: "access", contract: myContractAddress };

  .then( console.log )
  .catch( console.error );



Signs the given transaction object and encodes it ready for transmission.

encodeTransaction(txn, key);


  1. txn (Object) - The transaction to encode and sign
  2. key (Key) - The key used to sign the transaction


String - a SignedTransaction object as a JSON formatted string


const myKey = new datona.crypto.Key("b94452c533536500e30f2253c96d123133ca1cbdb987556c2dc229573a2cd53c");

const txn = { txnType: "GeneralResponse", responseType: "success" };

const signedTxnStr = encodeTransaction(txn, myKey);


Decodes the given transaction object and returns the data payload.



  1. signedTxnStr (String) - The JSON formatted SignedTransaction


Object - object containing the transaction and the signatory’s address

  txn: Object,
  signatory: Address


TransactionError - if the transaction data or signature is invalid


try {
  const txn = decodeTransaction(signedTxnStr);
  console.log("transaction type: "+txn.txn.txnType);
  console.log("signatory: "+txn.signatory);
catch (error) {


Validates the a pre-decoded response transaction against the GeneralServerResponse format. If the response is valid and the response type

validateResponse(txn, [expectedTxnType]);


  1. txn (Object) - the transaction to validate
  2. expectedTxnType (String) - (optional) the expected txnType of the response to override the default of GeneralResponse


InvalidTransactionError - if the transaction structure is invalid or the txnType does not match the expectedTxnType.


try {
  validateResponse(myTransaction, "VaultResponse");
  // no error was thrown so must be a valid VaultResponse
catch (error) {


Constructs a GeneralServerResponse Success transaction, optionally of the given type.



  1. txnType (String) - (optional) txnType to override default of GeneralResponse


Object - (optional) txnType the GeneralServerResponse transaction


const response = createSuccessResponse();
const sdarResponse = createSuccessResponse("SmartDataAccessResponse");


Constructs a GeneralServerResponse Error transaction, optionally of the given type.

createErrorResponse(error, [txnType]);


  1. error (Error) - the error to insert in the transaction
  2. txnType (String) - (optional) txnType to override default of GeneralResponse


Object - (optional) txnType the GeneralServerResponse transaction


catch (error) {
  const response = createErrorResponse(error);
  const signedTxnStr = encodeTransaction(response, myKey);